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AWS Cloudwatch Alarm Behavior

1 The three state of the alarm

  • Alarm (if the statistic value satisfy the comparison with threshold)
  • OK (if the statistic value cannot satisfy the comparison with threshold)
  • Insufficient_Data (No metric data point in evaluation period)

2 Time window

The time window is equal to the product the period times the evaluation periods. For example: If the period is 600 (10 minutes), and the evaluation periods is 3, then the time window is 3x600 = 1800 (half an hour)

3 Check Frequency

The period evaluation is done per minute.

4 The cases that change from OK or Insufficient_Data to Alarm

In time window, there should be a data point that is satisfy the comparison in the oldest period, and if there are other data points, they should also be satisfy the comparison too. For example:

If the period is 600, and the evaluation periods is 3, and the comparison operator is GreaterThanThreshold, and the threshold is 1, and all the data points before 6:00 are 0, and the data point at 6:00 is 2, Then the alarm state will change to Alarm if

  • there are no more data points from 6:00 to 6:30,
  • there are some data points from 6:00 to 6:30, but the statistic values of them in their periods are all greater than 1.

5 The cases that change from Alarm or Insufficient_Data to OK

In time window, the latest data point is not satisfy the comparison. For example:

If the period is 600, and the evaluation periods is 3, and the comparison operator is GreaterThanThreshold, and the threshold is 1, and all the data points before 6:00 are 2, and the state is already Alarm, Then the alarm state will change to OK if the data point at 6:00 is 0.

6 The cases that change from Alarm or OK to Insufficient_Data

In time window, there are no data points at all. And, after 5 minutes OR two times of period delay (the greater), the status will change to insufficient.

7 The difference between high period with 1 evaluation period and low period with more evaluation periods?

Changes high period with 1 evaluation period low period with more evaluation periods
OK/ID -> Alarm State change immediately State change after a while1
Alarm/ID -> OK State change immediately State change immediately
Alarm/OK -> ID State change after time window with a longer delay2 State change after time window with a shorter delay3
  1. The time should be (period * evaluationPeriods).
  2. The delay is equal to period + min(2 * period, 300).
  3. The delay is equal to (period * evaluationPeriods) + min(2 * period, 300).