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What Will Happen When You Use Mixin

1 Story about mixin

2 The official explain

The mixin technique is explained as a code reusable way to define the react components in React official document. It can make the different components share some common functionality. The mixin can overwrite the life cycle methods. If several mixins define the same life cycle method, all these methods are guaranteed to be called in the order mixins are listed.

3 The mixin mechanism

  1. Define several SpecPolicy.

        DEFINE_MANY,  // means can be defined by either the component class or mixin object, but the methods must return =void=.
  2. Define object ReactClassInterface to set the life cycle functions spec policy.

        mixins: SpecPolicy.DEFINE_MANY,
        statics: SpecPolicy.DEFINE_MANY,
  3. For each mixin, the framework invoke the mixSpecIntoComponent method to do the follow things.
    1. Create MIXINS_KEY to store the exist mixins.
    2. Recursively invoke the mixSpecIntoComponent if the current mixin has its own mixins.
  4. For each field:
    1. In validateMethodOverride : get the method spec policy and check if any of them violate the policy;
    2. If the property is a function, and not a ReactClassInterface method, and not defined yet, and a props autobind of the current mixin is not false, then the function will be paste to the component's prototype and a hash map property of the prototype called __reactAutoBindMap.
    3. If it's already defined, deal with it using the spec policy.
    4. If it's not defined but maybe a ReactClassInterface method or not a function or the mixin autobind is false, then the field will only be paste to the component's prototype.

4 Why using mixin?

5 What's wrong with mixin?

  • The contract between a component and its mixins is implicit.
  • Different mixins using method or field with same name will clash.
  • The performance will make people confused if some function is defined in many time, for instance, shouldComponentUpdate.

6 The best practice to use mixin

7 PS

7.1 State is evil

To think in React is to find the minimal amount of state necessary to represent your app, and calculate everything based on that. This is because state is unpredictable. Props are, for the most part, derived from other props and state, but state can be anything.

7.2 Can mixin define statics?

7.3 ReactClass:322: mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, mixins[i]);

7.4 ReactClass:438: function mixSpecIntoComponent(Constructor, spec) {...}