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CPS Guide

1 What's CPS?

Continuation-passing style is a magical, but simple style of functional programming in which control is passed explicitly in the form of a continuation.
CPS is different from direct style programming which we usually use. The function written in CPS takes an extra argument: an explicit continuation function usually with only one argument. When the CPS function got a result which returned by the direct style function, it returns the result by calling the continuation function with the value as the argument. This means when invoking a CPS function, it requires a callback function to deal with the returned value. For example:

  • Scheme
    • Direct style

      (define (square x)
        (* x x))
      (square 2)
    • CPS

      (define (identity x) x)
      (define (square& x f)
        (*& x x f))
      (define (*& x y f)
        (f (* x y)))
      (square& 2 identify)
  • JavaScript
    • Direct style

      var square = _ => _ * _;
      return square(2);
    • CPS

      var identity = _ => _;
      var square = (_, f) => f(_ * _);
      return square(2, identity);
  • Scala
    • Direct style

      def square(x: Int): Int = x * x;
  • CPS

    def identity[A](x : A) : A = x;
    def square(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x * x);
    square(2, identity[Int]);
  • Ruby
    • Direct style

      def square(x)
        x * x
    • CPS

      identity = -> (x) {x}
      def square(x, f) * x)
      square(2, identity)

Can you see it? You can just send the then function as a parameter of the current function, the then function will deal with the result, and in the end, give the new result to the next then function until we get what we want. Yes, when you do something like .then(...) or continus Ajax request, you are using CPS.

The above logic is not pure CPS. It's just a description because we using the identity to get the final result but identity is not a CPS definition.

2 Why CPS?

  • To understand how compiler working while the function invoked.
    • First let us define a normal function:

      function sum(x, y) {
          return x + y;
      function after(result) {
    • When you run something like this, what will happen?

      sum(1, 2);
    • Our computer will push the arguments 2, 1 and the memory address of after() into the stack in order. After the sum calculation and return, our computer will save the result in RAX (at least when the result is an integer), then jump back to the address we store in the stack and clear the arguments in stack (using something like ESP-8).
    • Let's define them in CPS:

      function sum(x, y, f) {
          f(x + y);
      function after(result, f) {
    • When you run something like this, what will happen?

      sum(1, 2, (result)->{
          after(result, identity);
    • Function sum will pass the calculated result to a function defined in heap instead using stack, maybe just use stack to store the parameters. If the compiler or interpreter already knew the program is a CPS code, it's not necessary to store the function return address (, the memory address of the after in our case) into the stack. The code explicit to pass the return address and the result through the continuation function.
  • What if you want do something in a pipeline?

    func1(para1, para2, (result1)-> {
        func2(para3, result1, (result2) -> {
            func3(result2, (result3) -> {
                func4(result3, identity);
  • Sometimes we want have multiple continuations:

    function rest(url, success, failure) {
    rest(myUrl, (result) -> {
    }, (error) -> {

    Familiar, right?

  • What if some step need do two things in the same time?

    function mainApp(f) {
        func1((result1) -> {
            func2(result1, identity);
        func3((result3) -> {
            func4(result3, identity);

    What? Is this break the CPS law? Does this means the complier or interpreter need to store func3's address in stack when invoking func1? Relax, it's just way to tell the complier or interpreter to run func1 and func3 in parallel. This is a very simple CPS concurrent prototype model. And once you want to suspend the program, just store the continuation function.

  • Force the compiler or interpreter to run the code in order.
  • Give you a pipeline style to orgnize your logic.
  • Make every recurrence to tail recurrence.

For instance:

var data = [1,2,3,4,5,6];

var reverseArray = (data) => {
    var reverseArrayIter = (array, result) => {
        var head = array.shift(),
            tail = array;
        if ( !head ) {
            return result;
        } else {
            return reverseArrayIter(tail, result)
    return reverseArrayIter(data, []);

return reverseArray(data);

3 What language is encourage to use CPS?

Any languages have First Class Function and Tail Call Optimization.